Me and Sue on the night train to Varanasi

As you were all tucked in your beds fast asleep I was having my breasts massaged by an Indian woman...yes, it was as weird as it sounds. They have a massage place in the basement of our hotel so me and Sue decided to get massages this afternoon...Sue went first and came back to declare it "interesting" and would provide no further description!
I got stripped naked, flared spread eagle on a wooden massage table, slathered in oil and massaged very thoroughly!! Had to leave the modesty at the door!
BOTTOM: a stealth photo of the burning ghats...notice the piles of wood in the back and the smoke on the left is from 2 burning corpses.
This morning we woke up at 5:30 to take a boat ride up and down the Ganges river at dawn to witness the 1000's of People who everyday have a ritual bath in the water to wash away their sins.
It was some tough haggling to get a good price! We met a couple from Ireland and 3 french girls and bargained en Mass to get a better rate...the one french girl was a fantastic haggler and got us all an hour for 500rupees ( about 2 dollars each) We watched thousands of people covering every square inch of the ghats and river in various stages of undress! Very interesting people watching!
Tonight at 18:30 we are off on a night train to Agra(home of the Taj Mahal) So we are very excited! We are going to order an early dinner from the hotel restaurant (which is very good and has not made us sick,so why deviate) and then the hotel has arranged a car to drive us to the train station.
I have been trying to post this blog all day! This is my third attempt...they have rotating, random power outages here all day and night due to the great demand on the electrical system and every time I was almost done I got thrown off of the computer with a blackout! So I guess third times a charm!
Off to Agra!!
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